Rhythm 'n' Business

Rhythm 'n' Business
"To get to know the rhythms of one’s own body strengthens self-confidence and self-esteem"

My conviction

Rhythm is within us all. Whether it be the heart rhythm, waking and sleeping rhythm, biorhythm or other clocks in our body: Rhythm means life. Discovering the rhythms in us brings us closer to ourselves.

The goal of the workshop

In my rhythm ´n` business workshops, I want to bring my participants and companies closer to the positive effects of rhythm in the world of work; Exercise, perception of one's own body, strengthening of the ability to concentrate, more self-confidence and self-assurance, increase in motivation, strength and joy in working as well as the reduction of stress levels.

Other goals

Rhythm and exercise also release endorphins and are simply a lot of fun, something which should not go amiss in my workshops. Finally, teamwork and social skills are also strengthened through group exercises that naturally promote communication skills and a sense of togetherness.

After the workshop

The exercises can also be done at home or - if possible – during intervals at the workplace. For this reason, they are deliberately chosen to be simple and to contrast with the often low-motion, top-heavy settings of modern workplaces.

My references

I am pleased to make a contribution to companies that benefit both the company and its employees to the same extent.
Coca Cola, ISG Human Resources Management, Billa, KWP-Vienna, Austrian National Bank, Mozarteum Salzburg, GFP-Gesellschaft für Personalentwicklung and many more.
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